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Meeting Details


Thursday, February 20, 2025


4:30 PM

Eureka City Hall, Council Chambers - 531 K Street, Eureka, CA 95501

1. Call to Order/Roll Call

2. Adjournment of the HCAOG Board; Convening of the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC)

The PAC convenes to include representation from Caltrans and Humboldt Transit Authority (HTA) Board for items specific to transportation.

3. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items

This agenda item is reserved for public comments on matters over which the PAC has jurisdiction but are not on the agenda.

4. Consent Calendar

The PAC will consider approving the following item(s), considered to be routine, with a single motion. Item(s) may be removed from the Consent Calendar and, if removed, will be heard separately.

a. Approval of Meeting Record (encl) 

b. FY 2025-26 Transportation Development Act Local Transportation Fund (LTF) Apportionment (encl)

Adopt Resolution 25-02 approving the FY 2025-26 LTF apportionment.

c. County of Humboldt FY 24-25 Local Transportation Fund (LTF) Claim (encl)

Adopt Resolution 25-03 approving the County of Humboldt’s FY 24-25 LTF claim.

d. City of Rio Dell Local Match Contingency Fund Request (encl)

Authorize funding for the City of Rio Dell’s Traffic Circulation Study in the amount of $7,250. 

5. Items Removed from Consent Calendar

This agenda item is reserved for items that may be removed from the consent calendar.

6. Action Items 

a. Draft FY 2025-26 Overall Work Program (OWP) & Budget (encl)

The Board will consider approving the Draft FY 2025-26 OWP Budget and direct staff to forward to Caltrans for their review and comments. 

7. Reconvening of the HCAOG Board 

By motion, reconvene as the HCAOG Board and approve PAC recommendations. 

8. HCAOG Staff and PAC Member Reports

This agenda item is reserved for matters that staff or PAC members may wish to present.

a. HCAOG Executive Director’s Report

b. Caltrans Reports

c. PAC and Board Member Reports

9. Closed Session

a. Closed Session regarding Executive Director Recruitment 

Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957(b)(1), the HCAOG Board will meet in closed session regarding the Executive Director recruitment process. 

b. Closed Session Reports

Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.1(a)(5), at the conclusion of Closed Session a public announcement will be made by the Board Chair disclosing all formal actions taken by the Board during the Closed Session. 
